Monday 3 September 2012

What Is Love ?

...What is Love?

An allusion, sardonic smile, black dove,
Jedburgh justice to a noble, hearty fiddle,
Bacchic frenzy sojourning young mind,
Cademean victory or Sphinx's riddle,
Barmecide's feast, impossible to find,
Judas' kiss... What is Love?

A marriage of True Minds by Jove,
An emotion... vibrant and serene,
A knight raising flag of Truth, Peace and Amity,
Union of two souls, two hearts, a signal green,
Mother of all creation, sanguine, amorous deity,
Oracular utterance...What is Love?

From the time of my birth till I fell in love,
Umpteen times I've thought, but the day I met thee,
I saw, I felt, believed that love is true and certain,
I learned its meaning, It exist in me,
But to say 'What is Love?' Methinks, is impossible to attain,
Love is Life, Life is Love,if not,then... What is Love?

What is Love?...

1. A smile of contempt.
2. Firts punishing then holding the trial.
3. Under the spell of Bacchus(God of Wine).
4. A victory that is fatal.
5. A very difficult problem.
6. An illusory banquet.
7. A kiss simulating friendship and characteristic of hypocracy.
8. A profoundly wise speech.

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