Wednesday 13 February 2013

Cracked Soprano

No one believes me

Past just haunt me

Future don't relieves me

Relatives always taunt me

I wanted to be silent; Silence is gold

I wanted to be a woman; but I can't hold,

Please Listen! I want to Speak

Though,I know,My voice is weak.



No; No,You can not do this

How can you shatter my trust

Oh! Don't look at me like this

Your eyes are filled with lust

I'm Touch-Me-Not, try to understand

Don't mash me,I hate this,leave my hand

Please Listen! I want to Speak

Though,I know,My voice is weak.



My parent trust you but you betrayed

'I loved you', but you're worthy of hatred

If I say anyone about this, I'll be ashamed

I am your dearest doll, You've always claimed

Oye! Recognize me, I'm of your blood

Don't snatch my innocence, I'm just a bud

Please Listen, I want to speak

Though,I know, My voice is weak.


When will be The Second Coming, Prophet

I am tired of waiting, I've no hope, Jove

How can I trust, this world is but a Tophet

Relationships are just mockery, I cann't love

My casket has became my soul's cage

How can I survive? Terrible is our age!So,

Please Listen, I want to Speak

Though, I know, My voice is weak.


I know my cracked soprano will irk you and get rejected

I dare to speak in the teeth of your fulmination and be me

I foreclose to be abused, I deserve equality and be respected

I refuse to be governed, I demand desegregation and be free

God created Man when he was tired of creation

But Women are not made for mere recreation, So

Please listen, I want to Speak

Though, I know, My voice is weak.

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