Monday 3 September 2012

My Mentor

Just sing, my Muse, from the Olympian height
Apollo, play the music, be ready with lyre Aeolus
Go Flora, bring the petals of flowers from Shangri-la
And ask the zephyr to call all Sylphs and Nymphs
To attend my master, the Cicerone after my heart.

Bacchanalian rivals, feed all with ambrosia and nectar
Helena, be ready to stand at the gate of the liberty hall
Usher the words of honour and reverence, O Athena !
So that I can pay my regards to the great Samaritan,
He, who taught me to handle the pen, to read alphabets,
Apostle of mine, my inspiration, my Platonic abstraction
No, I can’t trust words, let my silence speak in his praise.

Spartans, don’t forget to  pay the guard of honour
Inscribe his good name at my forehead,  Hephaestus
Nine times let me doff my hat  to him,  let me  salute
Good Lord, How should I pay my gratitude to him
Hail you! My mentor, accept my humble homage.

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